Rockhampton Water Ski Club Rules
- No camping allowed in kitchen or boat shed.
- Camping for club members is $ 15.00 per site and $20.00 per site with electricty
- Camping for non-members is $20.00 per site and $30.00 per site with electricty
- No storing of caravans is permitted at the club area.
- Members are requested to keep grounds, boat shed and kitchen free of litter and must remove litter from the area when leaving.
- Kitchen is to be left clean and tidy at all times.
- At no time is alcohol to be consumed by the occupants of the club boat whilst it is on the water.
- Gate at the top of the boat ramp is to be closed and locked at all times.
- All non-boat trailer parking must be on the top bank.
- Boat ramp must be kept clear of cars and trailers at all times.
- All boats are to take off and travel in an anti-clockwise direction.
- Members must not lend access keys to anyone.
- Members who lose their access keys forfeit their deposit and are required to pay an extra deposit for a replacement access key.
- Only those boats currently on the association’s register of boats are permitted to use the association’s facilities.
- Use of the club area is to be approved at a meeting at a cost to be set. Removal of all rubbish is to be their responsibility.
- Other use of the grounds is to be discussed at a monthly meeting.
- Dogs are to be kept on leads at all times and not left unattended. No dogs allowed on lower bank. Any dog’s mess must be cleaned up by owners.
- Club equipment is available for all club members and priority is to be given for use behind the club boat when it is on the water. Restricted to 1km up and down stream and to be returned to the jetty area immediately after use.
- The bottom bank is a completely glass free area. If glass is used at the BBQ area, please be responsible.
- Social skiers (non-members) may enjoy the use of club boat access for a total of 3 times then are encouraged to join as members.